8 steps for successful delegation
When my company was growing I became more and more the bottleneck until growth stopped.
Of course I tried to delegate tasks to my colleagues, unfortunately these came often back for different reasons and at different points. Some where not clear, others to difficult or after a while the task changed and so on.
So step by step I identified the reasons and counter measures and ended up in a simple 8 step method I am now always following to delegate task successfully and permanently to my colleagues. I use the term TAKEOFF to make it easier to remember. And the good thing is… it really helps to let my company fly.
T – tag the bottleneck
First you have to know what task make you the bottleneck. Choose the most important one.
First you have to know what task make you the bottleneck. Choose the most important one.
A – arrange your work
To be able to delegate a task it must in some kind prepared and documented.
K – know the colleague
You need to find somebody with the capacity to take over the task.
E – explain the work
Qualify the colleague if necessary and explain the task
O – operate the workflow
Let him or her execute the task
F – foster the handover
While executing give support and monitor results
F – forward responsibility
As soon as the results are satisfying handover responsibility AND accountability.
The delegation can be disrupted at each of these steps. Follow me if you like to see what you can do. https://twitter.com/Patrick_R0ss