Ensure employees don’t feel controlled when seeking feedback.
If you want to get rid of your daily work to find more time for your entrepreneur tasks it is essential to delegate tasks to employees. It’s natural you want to ensure that the work is being done correctly. Feedback plays a crucial role in promoting growth and improvement, but it must be delivered in a manner that doesn’t make individuals feel controlled or criticized. Here’s how to strike the right balance:
1. Ask for Input:
Begin by asking the individual for their perspective. This collaborative approach invites them to share their thoughts and opens a dialogue rather than imposing feedback.
2. Share Your Intentions:
Explain why you’re providing feedback. Clearly communicate that your goal is to support their growth and development, not to control or criticize.
3. Regular Check-Ins:
Establish a regular feedback and discussion schedule. When feedback becomes part of an ongoing conversation, it feels less like control and more like support.
4. Use the “I” Statement:
Express your feedback from your own perspective by saying “I observed” or “I noticed.” This reduces the feeling of external judgment.
5. Peer Feedback:
Encourage peer-to-peer feedback within teams. This can feel less hierarchical and create a collaborative learning environment.
6. Clear Checklist:
Create a checklist with clear check items. With these definitions of correct and false a feedback does feel less random an unjustified.
Remember that the goal of feedback should be to empower and assist, not to exert control. By using these approaches, you can create an environment where feedback is constructive, supportive, and conducive to personal and professional growth.