Increase efficiency and avoid mistakes: Why a modeling guideline is indispensable for your company
What is a modeling guideline?
A modeling guideline summarises all the rules on how processes in a company should be documented. It is a prerequiste to create compareable and high-quality process documetnation especially when different people are involved.
What is part of the Modeling Guideline?
The Modelling Guideline describes the symbols that can be used and the “grammar”, i.e. the rules for using the symbols. It also specifies the process levels used, expected metadata and modelling best practices.
Why do I need a modeling guideline?
A modelling guideline helps to create processes following the same structure and rules. This makes processes easisier to read and to understand for readers. At the same time the quality of process documentation will be increased as minimum requirements are defined. Last but not least it is primarily a tool for process modelers answering questions and giving guidance, which overall make modeling faster and less rework necessary.
How and when is the Modeling Guideline used?
Process Modelers are using the guideline during documentation of processes as it provides all information and rules which needs to be applied. For this reason it is important to inform the modellers about the contents and also changes of the Modeling Guideline and to train the correct application of the rules. Spot checks and feedback can help to improve the modelling and ensure the correct application of the notation.